Taking Care of the Humans on Your Team | Leadership Now

The Nick Vujicic Podcast
The Nick Vujicic Podcast
Taking Care of the Humans on Your Team | Leadership Now

We are now in our sixth month of both our podcast and this global pandemic. So much has changed in the course of these six months, and how we manage and lead our teams should have changed as well, for the better. We are in a crucial time of learning and growing as both leaders […]

Helping Leaders Use Their Super Powers with Christine Grimm

The Nick Vujicic Podcast
The Nick Vujicic Podcast
Helping Leaders Use Their Super Powers with Christine Grimm

My Strategic Coach, Christine Grimm, formed Aria Consulting 23 years ago and now consults and coaches executives to grow organizations and lead meaningful change for themselves, their people and their company. As a practice leader in the area of alignment, she guides major endeavors to grow, merge and restructure organizations, blend and improve the performance […]

Standing Up to the Unimaginable | Leadership Now

The Nick Vujicic Podcast
The Nick Vujicic Podcast
Standing Up to the Unimaginable | Leadership Now

It is not every day where you come across a person or hero like Regina. To take your personal pain and loss and turn it into joy for someone else in need is a rare and powerful thing in the earth. I always say, “When you don’t get a miracle you could always be one […]

Basic Introduction to Blockchain with Mark Friedler

The Nick Vujicic Podcast
The Nick Vujicic Podcast
Basic Introduction to Blockchain with Mark Friedler

I have wanted a crash course on something I still wouldn’t get into unless “Grandma” understood it – Blockchain and Crypto. Personally I just wanted to get educated and there was some I connected with recently, Mark Friedler. If you’ve ever wanted to know even what the basic concept is about, he helps break things […]

Snap Out of It | Leadership Now

The Nick Vujicic Podcast
The Nick Vujicic Podcast
Snap Out of It | Leadership Now

In this episode of Leadership Now, Nick and Chris take us on a deep dive on how to get clear and free from delusion and self-deception. A major and crucial question to ask, not just not now in the midst of this pandemic but always, are we ruining and managing our teams and organizations with […]

Dr. Fab Mancini “Surviving to Thriving”

The Nick Vujicic Podcast
The Nick Vujicic Podcast
Dr. Fab Mancini “Surviving to Thriving”

I’ve had the blessing of getting to know Dr. Fabrizio Mancini over the years and have personally been encouraged by him. America’s #1 “Healthy Living” Media Expert, World Renowned Chiropractor, International Best-Selling Author & Speaker, Business Consultant and President Emeritus of Parker University oh and by the way his genuine love and passion for people […]

Managing a Global Team | Leadership Now

The Nick Vujicic Podcast
The Nick Vujicic Podcast
Managing a Global Team | Leadership Now

After a few months into a global pandemic, how well have we gotten at responding to the needs of our global or even local team? What steps have we taken to ensure some steady and healthy growth in both our business and the people we lead. In this episode, Nick and Christine walk us through […]

Stop It! Move Forward!

The Nick Vujicic Podcast
The Nick Vujicic Podcast
Stop It! Move Forward!

Do you ever find yourself looking back in time, wishing for the ‘good-ole days’, or regretting a big mistake? In today’s episode of the Nick Vujicic Podcast, we’re learning how dwelling on the past … might be costing our future. There are countless opportunities to improve every single day, but if our mindset isn’t right, […]

Fostering Love

The Nick Vujicic Podcast
The Nick Vujicic Podcast
Fostering Love

Throughout the past five years of having Peter as one of my primary caregivers, I have been personally inspired and motivated by the life he lives. Peter and his wife had over 30 foster kids go through their home in these past years of fostering and now they find themselves adopting and fostering love in […]

Time for a New Whiteboard | Leadership Now

The Nick Vujicic Podcast
The Nick Vujicic Podcast
Time for a New Whiteboard | Leadership Now

We are living in a time where things are changing every single day and plans you make are more than likely to change. What do you do when what you thought would happen is going to happen anymore? How do you respond in your heart and practical ways when things do not go as planned? […]