Setting Practical Goals

The Nick Vujicic Podcast
The Nick Vujicic Podcast
Setting Practical Goals

In times of peace or pandemic, we all need a game plan for our lives. Setting real, personalized goals is one of the major steps we must take in order to reach our own version of success. In this episode, Nick breaks down exactly how to recognize, prioritize, and reprioritize our life goals, no matter […]

Onward and Upward

The Nick Vujicic Podcast
The Nick Vujicic Podcast
Onward and Upward

There is a crafty enemy that comes once fear has been conquered: discouragement. Even when we’ve found our courage, what happens when victory begins to take too long? What happens when we lose the will to fight? In this episode, Nick gives us tools to fight the discouragements we all face, and shows us the […]


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